Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Motivate Yourself To Study: How To Make It Happen!

By Lachlan Haynes

"How do you motivate yourself to study?" is one of the most commonly asked questions by students - and for good reason. Motivation can be quite elusive! As much as we'd love to tell that motivating yourself to study is simple, that's not always the case. Inspiration, enthusiasm and high energy levels can be seldom sighted in your life unless you have a true passion for what you are doing with your time.

In order to find some answers to the question of how best to get motivated to study we've found some answers from students just like you. The following are the top five tips to get yourself moving when you couldn't care less about studying!

Tip One. Listen to what you are saying to yourself. The thoughts you have each day create your reality and form your perspective on life. If you keep telling yourself that you're "not motivated" then you won't feel motivated! Pretty simple really! So start creating positive thoughts in place of any negative ones you have. If you find yourself thinking "I will never get this done" then replace it with "I will get this done, I always get my work done" (and so on). Soon you will be thinking yourself to success!

Tip Two. Visualize your awesomeness. It might seem corny but visualization is a great tool for getting motivated. Think about how good it feels when you hand in your homework or assignment on time. Or how great you feel when you get a top grade on your next test. Think first, act second.

Tip Three. Break up tasks into tiny bite size chunks. Stop looking at what you need to complete as one big thing. It's not one big thing! It's lots of tiny little things! Start chopping up your tasks into tiny little action steps. Complete a worksheet, attend a class, read a chapter of your text book - they are all little chunks that lead to something much bigger. Take little baby steps each day and by the end of the week you will have achieved a lot. That's the truth. Do 30 minutes study a day and you have done 3 hours study in a week. Do that every week and you have done 150 hours of study. But it all starts with 30 minutes today!

Tip Four. Surround yourself with study buddies. If you can find others who are experiencing similar things to you there is no doubt it will help calm you down and see that you are not alone. But the best part is that study buddies will give you their own words of wisdom and tips about how to get the work done (not to mention hold you accountable for getting it done!) It is highly motivating when you team up with others and make a commitment to getting the task done.

Tip Five. Remind yourself that you're closer to the end that you've ever been. One of the biggest challenges for students is not being able to see the light at the end of the tunnel. You've been studying and working hard for years and you still have a few years ahead of you. You've done mountains of work in your lifetime but more work just keeps piling up. It's relentless! Well, you need to take a deep breath. Every day brings you closer to the end - of your studying days! Every time you study for an hour or hand in an assignment or complete a test you have moved forward. You won't have to do that again and you've knocked down one obstacle in your way. Every action you take brings you closer to your destination. The light at the end of the tunnel is coming.

Keep in mind that life is not about study. But it's something you need to do and because of that you need to find a way to motivate yourself to study. So follow the five steps and start taking baby action steps each day and before you know your study days will be over. Good luck!

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