Monday, September 30, 2013

How To Make Perfect Drywall Patches

By Lori Philipps

Handling drywall issues is normal for every homeowner since drywall is not the most durable material for covering walls and ceilings. However, it is important to know how to create perfect drywall patches. If you are not comfortable in repairing drywall on your own, contact a specialist immediately.

Before patching drywall, gather all the tools and materials needed. Always have the right mud consistency before proceeding to avoid inconvenience. Wear protective footwear and clothing during the repair process to avoid encountering unnecessary disasters. For those with respiratory conditions, wear a face mask before sanding the panel.

Use a sharp utility knife to square off the damaged area. Do not overlook this step since it is difficult to work with an irregular-shaped drywall panel. Do not forget to remove the torn paper edges and check behind the panel for any wiring and obstructions that can hinder the repair.

Slip a backer board behind the opening and screw it with drywall nails. Make sure the nail heads are below the surface for an easy finish. You can use a nail to serve as a temporary handhold. Place the new panel over the board and secure it with drywall nails. Again, countersink the nails to avoid having a bumpy wall.

Cover the seams with a fiberglass mesh tape. Some prefer using a tough paper tape, but you must have enough experience in using it since it needs a thin application of mud to make it stick. You v can start finishing the drywall once gaps have been taped.

Loosen the consistency of the drywall mud by adding a little water before using it. It is best to buy premixed compounds than those in powdered forms if you are having a hard time getting the right consistency. Spread the thin coating of mud to cover the tape pieces. For a smooth surface, be sure to feather out the edges.

Once the mud is dry, apply a new coating over the entire panel. If your taping knife gets too sticky, wipe it clean before swiping the surface. Some prefer wiping the blade with lukewarm water to make it easier blending the mud with your existing drywall. Lastly, apply a finishing compound to smooth the edges. Remember to lightly sand the panel in between after each coating dries out.

Do not forget to apply at least two coatings of primer to prevent the paint from wearing off easily. You can always ask tips and advice from the experts if you find it too difficult to patch drywall on your own.

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